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minutes of the 2013-09-17 meeting of the Department of English Linguistics, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest


voting members

  1. Hordós Marianna, core member
  2. Kiss Zoltán, core member
  3. Lázár A. Péter, core member
  4. Marosán Lajos, core member
  5. Nádasdy Ádám, core member
  6. Starčević Attila, core member
  7. Szigetvári Péter, core member, chair
  8. Törkenczy Miklós, core member

non-voting members


  1. Szigetvári welcomes the department in the new term.
  2. László Varga has excused himself.
  3. The number of introductory groups is adequate: there is one group with only 14 students registered (at the moment), all other groups have between 15 and 20 students. We had to launch one extra phonology (Nádasdy) and two extra syntax groups (Hordós, Varga), because 60 students managed to sign up for both types of course. We will have to advertise about 8 introductory groups in the spring term for the students of the new 5-year teacher’s programme.
  4. The Department has received ten theses in the past academic year. Two of them were on syntactic, eight on phonological topics, two were MA, eight BA theses. This is too few. Four theses were excellent, four good, one average, and one satisfactory.
  5. 30 September is the deadline for updating data in Publications can only be imported from
  6. Törkenczy suggest reforming the BuPhoC/research seminar scheme, details to come.
  7. Kiss suggests that volunteering teaching assistants take over the maintenance of the Odd Yearbook website, and issue a call for papers for this year’s volume.

minutes kept by Péter Szigetvári

Budapest, 2013-09-17