minutes of the 2025-02-18 meeting of the Department of English Linguistics, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest
voting members
- Zoltán G. Kiss, core member, chair
- Mark Newson, core member
- Péter Őri, core member
- Attila Starcevic, core member
- Péter Szigetvári, core member
- Nathaniel Torres, core member
non-voting members
- Mohamad Ali Khalil, doctoral student
- Rami Alwardat, doctoral student
- Firas Shbeeb, doctoral student
- Yue Xing, doctoral student
- Rei Iwai, teaching assistant
- Elizaveta Zubenko, teaching assistant
- G. Kiss welcomes the Department and starts the online meeting by discussing the two positions left vacant by Irina Burukina and Marcel den Dikken, and which need to be filled from 1 September. At least one of these positions will be advertised in March, 2025. G. Kiss mentions some potential candidates, but notes that hiring qualified linguistics teachers is extremely difficult, primarily due to the low wages offered by ELTE.
- G. Kiss informs the department about the various possibilities of ELTE hiring teachers from a “third country”, based on his discussion with Nikolett Mikolai from the Faculty’s HR office. Nathan Torres also shares a few words on the matter, reflecting on his own experiences.
- G. Kiss provides a brief update on the spring courses. They started without any major issues, the groups sizes are healthy. G. Kiss reminds the Department about “kivételes tanulmányi rend” (studies in a uniquely tailored arrangement), and that they should only be approved under special circumstances. Both the teacher of the course and the head of the Department should agree to it, after consultation with Tímea Tiboldi (Director of Studies).
- Norbert Krek-Polyák will soon begin preparing the autumn lecture timetable, the spring exam schedule, followed by the autumn seminars. G. Kiss notes that predicting student numbers for the autumn will be difficult but assumes that the Department will need to serve the same amount of courses as in previous autumns.
- G. Kiss asks thesis referees to inform him if any thesis is to be recommended for the Outstanding Thesis Award. He also reminds all referees to upload their reports to the DELG Drive folder, even if the thesis has not yet been defended.
- Péter Őri will start the organisation of the annual Stipendium Hungaricum interviews around April. Őri also informs the Department that one of our linguistics MA student will participate in OTDK, to be held this spring.
- G. Kiss thanks all the organisers, helpers of the Össznyelvész conference for their excellent work again.
- G. Kiss informs the Department that Attila Starcevic has cleaned up the codes of courses the Theoretical Linguistics Department offers to our students, at least for the spring courses. G. Kiss asks the Department that if they have an MA student, they should inform them that they can take courses offered by the Theoretical Linguistics Department; however, students should not automatically take a course offered in Neptun, rather, teachers should tell students to look at the courses offered on the Theoretical Linguistics Department website, if they would like to take one, they should contact the teacher there, and if they allow them to take it, then they can get that credit accepted here. This is important as MA students often express concerns about the limited availability of MA elective courses offered by us.
- G. Kiss briefly discusses the recent burglaries at SEAS and elsewhere. He updates the Department on a meeting between the Dean, the director of SEAS, and department heads regarding the Faculty’s planned security measures. G. Kiss reminds the Department about the safe in room 301, where valuable equipment can be more securely stored.
minutes kept by Zoltán G. Kiss
verified by Péter Szigetvári
Budapest, 2025-02-18