~~NOCACHE~~ [[https://qter.elte.hu/Statikus.aspx/timeplan|{{ :icons8-timetable-64.png?50|term schedules}}]] [[calendar#today|{{ :icons8-google-calendar-64.png?50|SEAS calendar}}]] [[events|{{ :icons8-megaphone-64.png?50|news & events}}]] = deadlines ; Tue 7 Jan, 23:59 : [[/studies/admission/american_track|register your BA track selection]] **(2025-01-07 23:59)** ---- ; Wed 27 Nov, 13:59 : electronic submission of OTAK theses (to Neptun) **(2024-11-27 13:59)** ; Fri 15 Nov, 23:59 : electronic submission of BA and MA theses (to Neptun **and** seas.elte.hu) **(2024-11-15 23:59)** ; Tue 15 Oct, 16:00 : announcement of thesis title (in Neptun) for OTAK students wishing to graduate in autumn 2025 **(2024-10-15 16:00)** ; Tue 15 Oct, 16:00 : announcement of thesis title (in Neptun) for BA and MA students wishing to graduate in spring 2025 **(2024-10-15 16:00)** ; Tue 8 Oct, 16:00 : announce thesis title of theses to **DES supervisors,** [[https://des.elte.hu/en/content/deadline-thesis-title-submission-autumn-2024.e.5502|details…]] **(2024-10-08 16:00)** ; Wed 2 Oct, 16:00 : registration for final exam in autumn 2024 (in Neptun) **(2024-10-02 16:00)** ; Fri 13 Sep, 16:00 : competitive course registration ends **(2024-09-13 16:00)** ; Sun 8 Sep, 23:59 : registration for term ends **(2024-09-08 23:59)** ; Thu 5 Sep, 17:00 : rank-list course registration ends **(2024-09-05 17:00)** [[deadlines-old|earlier deadlines]]