= 12th International Student Poster Presentation Conference (25–29 April 2022) [[https://isppc.elte.hu/?page=programme|programme]] [[https://isppc.elte.hu/?page=abstracts|abstracts]] [[https://isppc.elte.hu/|more]] == awards === academic votes ==== BA/Research article summary * Dézsi Réka & Szalai Anna (Eötvös Loránd University), Teaching Adults: Is It Different? by Susan Imel (Applied linguistics) ==== BA * Erdei Judit, Papp Júlia & Rácz Balázs (Eötvös Loránd University), Pedagogy meets Cognitive Linguistics: Measuring the efficacy of cognitive linguistic input in teaching phrasal verbs (Language pedagogy) * Tamás Ádám (University of Miskolc), The Scottish Independence Referendum of 2014 (English and American history) ==== MA * Oleksandr Reient (Eötvös Loránd University), The impact of computer-mediated learning on students' information navigation skills (Language pedagogy) ==== PhD * Sheida Marzban (University of Pannonia), The effect of inter-semiotic relations on L2 reading process (Applied linguistics) === Audience votes ==== BA/Research article summary * P. Molnár-Szabó Laura & Tóth Zsófia (Eötvös Loránd University), Native and non-native: what can they offer? by Akira Tajino and Yasuko Tajino (Applied linguistics) * Sata Réka & Dákai Anita (Eötvös Loránd University), Native and non-native: what can they offer? by Akira Tajino and Yasuko Tajino (Applied linguistics) ==== BA * Tamás Ádám (University of Miskolc), The Scottish Independence Referendum of 2014 (English and American history) ==== MA * Oleksandr Reient (Eötvös Loránd University), The impact of computer-mediated learning on students' information navigation skills (Language pedagogy) ==== PhD * Aicha Rahal (Pázmány Péter Catholic University), Designing and Validating a Questionnaire on Tunisians’ Perceptions of Language Policy and the Promotion of English in Higher Education (Applied linguistics) ---- == what? * Participants will have the opportunity to share and get to know the work and thoughts of other students about issues related to English and American studies. * Projects will be demonstrated in the form of online poster presentations. * The conference will be organized on MS Teams. == why? * This is an excellent opportunity for students to showcase their projects at BA, MA and PhD levels. * This international conference also provides a great opportunity for participants to network with other students majoring in English in Budapest, in Hungary, and internationally, as students from Eötvös Loránd University, from universities across Hungary, as well as students from ERASMUS partner universities are invited to take part. * Participants will have the opportunity to present their papers orally (in 5 minutes) as part of the closing event on MS Teams on 29 April 2022. * Participating in this event can be an excellent basis for scholarship applications and students research competitions (e.g., for Hungarian students ‘Tudományos Ösztöndíj’ application and TDK research). == how? All BA, MA, and PhD students are encouraged to apply using the following application form: https://forms.gle/BSE1EYPMeNjEkSJ66 Please be sure to include # the TITLE of your poster presentation; # a 200-word SUMMARY of your poster presentation; # your NAME and E-MAIL ADDRESS; # TOPIC area (English and American literature, English and American history, English speaking cultures, Theoretical linguistics, Applied linguistics, Language pedagogy (including ELT); and # LEVEL (BA, MA, or PhD). # BA and MA students should also include the NAME OF AN INSTRUCTOR at their respective institutions who has agreed to support their application. (PhD students need not ask for a reference.) == deadline for applications 18 March 1 April 2022 We look forward to your applications! == the organizing committee * [[http://seas.elte.hu/seas/dir.pl?s=cseh+daniel|Dániel CSEH]],History & American culture * [[http://seas.elte.hu/seas/dir.pl?s=fabian+annamaria|Annamária FÁBIÁN]], Literature * [[http://seas.elte.hu/seas/dir.pl?s=gall+cecilia|Cecilia GALL]], Language pedagogy & English-speaking cultures * [[http://seas.elte.hu/seas/dir.pl?s=katona+laszlo|László KATONA]], Applied linguistics * [[http://seas.elte.hu/seas/dir.pl?s=szecsenyi+krisztina|Krisztina SZÉCSÉNYI]], Theoretical linguistics * [[http://seas.elte.hu/seas/dir.pl?s=wind+attila|Attila WIND]], Applied linguistics