We, members of the School of English and American Studies at Eötvös Loránd University, wish to express our solidarity with our colleague, economics professor Zoltán Ádám, whose contract has been abruptly terminated by Corvinus University. Earlier this year Dr Ádám refused to examine a student who had not fulfilled the necessary requirements. The student's family are stakeholders in MOL (the Hungarian oil company), the president of which, Mr Hernádi, is also the head of the curators of Corvinus University. Using their influence the student's family managed to have the student examined irregularly. Upon Dr Ádám's complaint the University first condemned this irregular procedure, and the rector of the University resigned (citing other reasons for his resignation). Later, the ruling was altered, exonerating those involved in the examination, which itself was deemed irregular. This week Corvinus University has terminated Dr Ádám's contract. This procedure is a brutal attack on academic freedom, which we unconditionally condemn. We demand fair treatment for our colleague. Budapest, 27 October 2023 // Albert Ágnes\\ Bán Zsófia\\ Barbarics Márta\\ Benczik Vera\\ Berke Ildikó\\ Czigányik Zsolt\\ Dávidházi Péter\\ Marcel den Dikken\\ Divéki Rita\\ Dóczi Brigitta\\ Eitler Tamás\\ Fábián Annamária\\ Federmayer Éva\\ Fejérvári Boldizsár\\ Gall Cecília\\ Gárdos Bálint\\ G. Kiss Zoltán\\ Gyuris Kata\\ Halápi Magdolna\\ Hoffmann Dorothy\\ Holló Dorottya\\ Hubai Katalin\\ Janczer Csikós Dóra\\ Jenei Gabriella\\ Katona László\\ Kenyeres János\\ Király Zsolt\\ Komáromy Zsolt\\ Kontra Edit\\ Kúnos László\\ Lajtai Ádám\\ Lázár A. Péter\\ Lázár Ildikó\\ Major Éva\\ Medgyes Péter\\ Nagy Ildikó\\ Nádasdy Ádám\\ Németh Nóra\\ Mark Newson\\ Nyusztai Iván\\ Őri Péter\\ Pikli Natália\\ Price Beatrix\\ Péter Ágnes\\ Uwe Pohl\\ Reményi Andrea\\ Christopher Ryan\\ Sarbu Aladár\\ Starcevic Attila\\ Szabó Éva\\ Szécsényi Krisztina\\ Szesztay Margit\\ Szigetvári Péter\\ Szlukovényi Katalin\\ Timár Andrea\\ Törkenczy Miklós\\ Vilmos Eszter\\ Wind Attila\\ Zách Lili\\ Zipernovszky Kornél\\ Zólyomi Anna // ''published 2023-10-28 21:23''