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divday-autonomy4physdisabled.jpg 12:00

Diversity Day Event at DELP

The event I am inviting you to will focus on how physically disabled people can live autonomously. The workshop will be presented by volunteers of a group advocating autonomy for disabled people.  This is a short summary of the programme:

Autonomy for physically disabled people

This workshop is going to highlight the difficulties physically disabled people face in their everyday lives, which they can overcome if they are given more support from society. The presenters chose different film extracts as springboards for discussing issues of communication and support. They are also going to share their stories and how they manage their lives so that they can live up to their full potential against all odds. They are both members of an activist group which aims to make it possible thatdisabled people can live autonomous lives. At the end of the workshop participants will have an opportunity to try to operate a wheelchair, a fairly challenging task.

Place: R423

Looking forward to welcoming you there.

Dorka Holló

events/2023/04/25.1681940501.txt.gz · last touched 2023-04-19 23:41 by