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An inherent part of your graduation is writing and submitting a thesis. This thesis must comply with specific rules on both form and content.

BA and MA students must submit the title (and in many cases some very preliminary version, like an abstract or some references, this varies by department) of their thesis about seven months before submitting the thesis itself. You must first select a topic and a supervisor. If the person you have selected agrees to supervise you with the given topic, you must also get a signature from the head of the department of the supervisor. (If you have an external supervisor, not affiliated with SEAS, select the department according to your topic.) Once you have both the supervisor’s and the head of department’s consent, you are ready to submit your thesis title.


studies/graduation/thesis.1568829247.txt.gz · last touched 2019-09-18 19:54 by Péter Szigetvári